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   Hello dear visitors! We are very happy of your visit. We hope that you are going to enjoy our web site and expecting to cooperate with you. If you have any problems concerning this site or ideas or any advices, feel free to contact NIYONZIMA KAMATALI Aaron on  e-mails: or


     Home page: Click there to go back to the first page, where you get the possibility to read information in any language you wish: English, French, Kinyarwanda and in Russian. You have also the opportunity to see our photos and reading news from Rwanda by simple click on appropriate icon.


    This is about Mururu. You find on this page any information about Mururu, and problems that people who live there have been facing from the first Republic (1960). Most of those problems have not yet been solved, although every government promises to solve them. We are trying to make known any particular discontent of Rwandan population. We know that any dissatisfaction leads to destruction. So We need to build our country not to destroy it. You can make clear problems you see in your region. We will help you to publish them on our site.


    Here you are finding different people, who use write to this site; and those who sent their ideas and questions. Feel free to do the same. You are always ready and happy to answer to your messages, and make a modification in the way you like.

     You can also use this form to send your message to all users of this web site or particular persons. But please, do not forget that as Rwandese “Unity, Work and patriotism” are our aims. I can also add: Reconciliation, Justice and Development.  So in your messages, ideas, advices, try to focus on these aims. We all want to build our country not to destroy it. We are pleading to keep away from insults and any shocking words in your messages.

    Nowadays you have the opportunity to use CHAT on this web site. We hope that this will be the best to exchange ideas.

Contact us :

     On this page you are finding a form that you can fill and send directly to this web site without using e-mails. Use it to send your questions, ideas and advices.


    Here you are going to find different games made by NIYONZIMA K. Aaron. These are simple games, and I hope that everyone can win in them. We are trying to make this web site interesting, that why we will make other more games, which I hope you will enjoy.

    Another thing that you should pay attention to is that in some games you can find some rules different from those you know. I hope that you won’t be disappointed by that. I’m still improving as well as I improve my knowledge of programming languages.  

Gitwe Adventist College:

This is about Gitwe Adventist Secondary school. You can visit this page to know more about it: or click on menu. I would like to inform everybody who like Gitwe Adventist Secondary School, Gitwe in general, to send their ideas and advices how their would like this site  to be; what they need to find o that web site,… Everyone is free to send any message which they would other visitors of this site to read. Sending any ideas or advice you would like to share with others, just click to the menu beyond (Contact us) or fill this form that you can find on:

Especially for those who completed their studies at Gitwe; we ask for them to participate actively.  We are making a web site for this school very soon. And you are going to have access on it directly not through . Another important information is that we are going to improve it , and add two more versions: Kinyarwanda and French.

For details you can also contact TUYIKUNDE R. Innocent (USA) on e-mail:  or contact me: NIYONZIMA K. Aaron (RUSSIA) on e-mails: or  

Rwanda Online:

 This is not our own web site But we have attached this link to facilitate those people who are interested in knowing what is going on in Rwanda.  I hope you will enjoy to navigate  on both of web sites freely. 


Check: (photos), English Version: , Version Française:   



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